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- GEISS is entirely copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ryan M. Geiss, as
- well as all images generated with it. All rights are reserved.
- QUICK INSTALL: The PIMP installer should copy vis_geis.dll
- into your plugins directory for you. Your job is to go to
- Winamp's PREFERENCES menu (CTRL+P), and on the left under
- 'plugins' select 'visualization'. Then, on the right side,
- select 'Geiss for Winamp.' Click 'Configure' to set it up,
- and 'Start' to check it out!
- --------------
- GEISS is sound-reactive eye candy for your computer. It comes in
- two forms: one version is a screensaver for Windows 95/98 and the
- other, a visualization plugin for Winamp. Geiss uses hand-
- tuned x86 assembly language to reach blazing speeds, generating
- smooth and graceful realtime graphics... and it can hear whatever
- your computer hears and synchronize the graphics it generates to
- the sound you're hearing. You can hook a microphone, stereo, TV,
- or anything into your sound card... you can also play an audio
- CD in your CD-ROM drive if you have the CD audio cable connecting
- it to your sound card. Whatever the sound source, Geiss will
- create a fluid, visual image that matches the sounds you're
- hearing.
- You've downloaded the Winamp plug-in version of Geiss. If you
- don't know what "Winamp" or an "mp3" is, you've downloaded
- the wrong thing... go get the screensaver instead!
- -------------------
- 1. Microsoft DirectX 3.0 or later.
- 2. Microsoft Windows 95/98. (Should work on NT4 with Service Pack 4.)
- 3. Pentium-200 or faster processor. MMX is highly utilized if present.
- 4. **Winamp VERSION 2.10 OR LATER, for access to all the keyboard
- shortcuts while the plugin is running.
- ----------------
- Just put the file VIS_GEIS.DLL into your WINAMP\PLUGINS directory, then
- select it as your plugin through Winamp.
- ***********************************
- ***********************************
- 1. PRESETS: these will allow you to save your favorite screens for later
- recall. Items that are saved include the map #, its random parameters,
- the palette, the waveform, any extra effects that were running, and the
- wave scaling (j/k keys).
- saving: once you get a screen to look how you want it, you need to
- press 3 keys - the right bracket ']', then the 2-digit number of the
- slot you want to save it in, from 00 to 99. Use the keys above the
- letters on your keyboard for this - NOT the numeric keypad.
- loading: hit the left bracket '[' key, then enter the 2-digit code.
- note that these presets are saved in the GEISS.INI file (which is
- in your Windows directory), so you can share them
- with other people if you want to. The GEISS.INI file will be created
- automatically the first time you save a preset. (If you're having
- trouble finding it, try 'enabling debug info' from the config panel,
- then running Geiss once. Look at C:\G_DEBUG.TXT. In the first few
- lines it will give you the full path & filename to your INI file).
- WARNING: don't mess with the numerical parameters in the file, it's
- likely to crash your system, and it's your own responsibility.
- 2. CUSTOM MESSAGES: you can now chuck your favorite sayings up on the
- screen and watch them fade away.
- To show a custom message while Geiss is running, hit 'M', then enter
- the two-digit code of the message. For example: to show number 3,
- type 'M03'.
- However, you first have to program your messages. You can place
- them in GEISS.INI in the [CUSTOM MESSAGES] section. GEISS.INI
- can be found in your Windows directory. If it
- doesn't exist, go ahead and create it. If the [CUSTOM MESSAGES]
- section does not exist, go ahead and create it too. It needs to
- look something like this:
- MESSAGE 0=This is Geiss 4.0
- MESSAGE 1=This program rocks.
- MESSAGE 99= --- Welcome to Mecca ---
- ...except you can make the messages say whatever you want. The
- message numbers range from 0 to 99.
- 3. DIRECTLY ACCESSING THE MAPS: there are now a total of 25 maps,
- numbered 1 through 25, all accessible by a 2-key command string.
- The command string is simply the two digits to make up the
- map number. You must use the keys from 0 to 9 at the TOP of
- your keyboard - not from the numeric keypad. For single-digit
- maps (1-9), pad them with a zero. For example, to select map 12,
- you would enter '1' then '2'. For map 5, you would press '0'
- then '5'. You can press 'ESC' after the first digit to cancel
- the map selection. (Pressing it again will exit.)
- 4. RATING SYSTEM: Do you have any screens that you just hate? Or some
- you really, really love? Wouldn't you like a rating system where
- you could rate each screen, in order to control how frequently it
- gets randomly chosen? Now you can.
- When you're at the screen you want to rate, use the '<' and '>' keys
- to give it fewer or more 'stars,' respectively. A screen can have
- anywhere from 0 to 5 stars. Zero stars means it will never be
- randomly chosen, while 5 means that it will be chosen more often.
- (The formula is simple: the probability that a mode will be chosen
- is equal to that mode's rating, divided by the sum of all the modes'
- ratings.)
- If you give a mode zero stars, then the only way you'll ever see it
- again is by directly selecting it with the numbers at the top of your
- keyboard (or if you load a preset for that screen).
- +-------------------------+
- +-------------------------+
- This section describes the function of each control in the configuration panel.
- Graphics Options:
- Video Mode - this dropdown box lets you pick what video mode you want to run
- the screensaver in. The lowest possible is 320 pixels by 200 pixels
- (320x200). The highest possible is 1024x768 for the screensaver and
- 640x480 for the plugin. In addition, you can select the color depth:
- 8, 16, or 32-bit. 8-bit mode gives you 256 colors, and you can the color
- palette during the program with the 'p' key. In 16-bit color, 65000
- colors are available, but the 'p' key has no effect. In 32-bit color,
- 16.7 million colors are available. The hicolor modes (16 and 32-bit)
- are substantially slower because 3 buffers must be processeds (one for
- each red, green, and blue channel) whereas in 8-bit mode only 1 buffer
- must be processed. Also, 16-bit mode is further slowed for technical
- reasons (three 8-bit values must be clipped & shifted into one 16-bit
- value for every pixel of every frame). MMX is used to the highest
- possible extent in all screen functions, bit-chomping, and memory moves.
- The default video mode is 640x480x8.
- Newer video cards will be able to enumerate all their video modes, so
- everything on the list is a video mode that will work for you. Older
- video cards don't have this capability; in this case, ALL possible video
- modes are listed. Some will not work. If you select one and try to
- run the program, and it reverts to the default video mode, then your
- video card can't handle that mode. Try a different one.
- Vertical screen size - this lets you set what percentage of the screen is
- filled by graphics. You can set it from 30% to 100%. A setting near
- 50% or 60% creates a nice letterbox effect. The entire width of the
- screen is always used; this just sets the vertical size. Higher settings
- are proportionally slower.
- Frames between screen changes - this lets you set how many frames will display
- between map (screen) changes. While you watch one map or screen in the
- program, the next one is being generated in the background, and when it
- is finished, it immediately takes effect (unless you lock the screen with
- the 'L' key). A lower setting will make the program slightly slower because
- larger chunks of the map will have to be generated each frame. A setting of
- about 300-400 is recommended.
- Frame idle delay - set this to 0 (zero) if you want maximum speed out of the
- program. However, if you like the resolution you're at and the animation
- is too fast, set this to 10 milliseconds or so. The program will then
- pause every frame for this many milliseconds and let Windows or Winamp
- do its processing, and you'll see slower, smoother animation. After
- getting the screen dimensions & color depth set to your tastes, if you're
- getting more than 30 frames per second, adjust this slider so that you
- only get 30 frames per second. Trust me - it will look better!
- Use coarse palettes - this lets you set how often a 'coarse palette' is used.
- This only applies to 8-bit color modes. A 'coarse palette' has a rough
- band in the dark area of the palette; this brightens up the screen and
- heavily accentuates the dither patterns.
- Use solar palettes - this lets you set how often a 'solar palette' is used.
- This only applies to 8-bit color modes. A 'solar palette' has soft,
- repeating bands of color in it. The non-monotone nature of these palettes
- is their sale point.
- 8-bit gamma correction - if the screen is too dark for you, crank this up.
- This only applies to 8-bit color modes.
- Default wave scaling - you can use the j/k keys during the program to scale
- the amplitude of the sound waves down & up, respectively. If you always
- find yourself scaling them to a certain size every time you start the
- program, you can adjust this slider so that they start there automatically.
- However, it is highly recommended you adjust Windows' volumes (for the
- screensaver) or Winamp's volume (for the plugin) before doing this.
- These volumes should always be set to 50% (halfway) for optimal results.
- Random song title popups - this slider lets you pick how often the song
- titles should randomly pop up on the screen. If the "suppress
- song title popups" option is on, this slider will have no effect.
- Sound Options:
- Sound input device - the only option here is Winamp.
- Suppress 'press h for help' message - every time you move the mouse, the
- program pops up a message that says something like 'press h for help -
- ESC/click to exit'. If this bugs you, use this checkbox to turn it
- off.
- Suppress song title popups - whenever the song changes, Geiss will
- pop the new song name up on the screen for a fractional second
- and then let it blur into the background. To disable song title
- popups, check this box.
- Minimize Winamp before running [FIXES FLICKER] - this will minimize
- Winamp's main window while Geiss is running. This saves CPU time
- (as Winamp is not trying to redraw itself) and alleviates problems
- where Winamp tries to paint over the DirectDraw surface (Geiss)
- (this is the "flicker"). If you have problems with Winamp not
- being accessible after Geiss is run (i.e., it couldn't be un-
- minimized properly), try disabling this checkbox. Otherwise,
- leave it on.
- Generate debug info in c:\g_debug.txt - if you're having problems or think you've
- found a bug, enable this checkbox and run the program until the bug occurs.
- Then e-mail the file c:\g_debug.txt to me, along with a description
- of the bug. Helpful information to include is your operating system,
- version, Winamp version (if using the plugin), machine speed, RAM, how
- many and what other programs were open, version of DirectX, whether or not
- the problem happens every time, etc.
- ----
- 1. You should try all the video modes listed to see which one looks
- and runs best on your system; there are vast differences between
- them, in image quality, speed, and color depth. 8-bit color modes
- are recommended for their superior speed/efficiency.
- 2. If you really want to squeeze out a higher frame rate, minimize
- other applications before running Geiss. This can also help
- to reduce choppiness.
- 3. 'GEISS' rhymes with 'ice'. It starts with a hard 'g' sound, as in
- 'gastrocnemius'.
- 4. Don't miss the help screen - press 'h' to turn it on/off at any
- time.
- ------------------
- web: http://www.geisswerks.com/
- The web site will always have the most up-to-date version
- of Geiss available for download. It also hosts installation
- instructions and up-to-date troubleshooting tips for both
- the plugin and screensaver.
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Geiss is 100 percent free for personal use. No registration is required.
- Any commercial use of this program, however, requires the consent of the
- author. For large ventures this will involve a licensing fee. Be wary
- that every image or video sequence generated with this program is the sole
- copyright of Ryan M. Geiss and can not be reproduced or displayed in public
- without permission.
- -----------------
- You may personally use and copy Geiss freely. However, you may NOT charge
- money for distributing Geiss. Don't try to sell this program - it's free.
- ----------
- The author is not responsible for any damages or loss of data that
- occur to your system for using Geiss. Geiss is distributed freely, and
- if you choose to use Geiss, you take all risk on yourself. If your
- system appears to have problems when Geiss is run, you should immediately
- discontinue using Geiss. The author is also not responsible for any
- damages to YOU for watching or using Geiss. If you are epileptic,
- have a weak heart, or have any other conditions which might make using
- this program dangerous to your health, you should not use this program.